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Taiwan First  experience local food

Taiwan First  experience local food
台湾お初 ローカルフード

肉包(ロウバぅ) Japanese肉まん

Taiwan people call 肉包(ロウバぅ)
Japanese people call 肉まん

Taiwan First  experience local food


from first time, Good Taste

Taiwan First  experience local food

店主が ピリ辛スパイス追加してくれて Very Good

The food was spicy sauced by store maneger,  taste is grate,but little spicy.

Taiwan First  experience local food

いいね 地元食

exellent Local Food!

同じカテゴリー(abload overseas)の記事画像
后豊鉄馬道 in Taichung cycling
Second cycling in (潭雅神緑園道)Taiwan in 台中
Oh Taiwan  塩豚飯
Go to sweet   discovery time 宮原eyes
Adventure  Taichung station
同じカテゴリー(abload overseas)の記事
 后豊鉄馬道 in Taichung cycling (2023-02-06 05:49)
 Second cycling in (潭雅神緑園道)Taiwan in 台中 (2022-12-18 20:00)
 初めて見た~フルーツ (2022-11-18 19:57)
 Oh Taiwan  塩豚飯 (2022-11-14 21:19)
 Go to sweet discovery time 宮原eyes (2022-11-13 18:41)
 Adventure Taichung station (2022-11-12 20:02)


Taiwan First  experience local food